
3 | The Trevi Fountain

The famous baroque fountain located in the heart of Rome is an unmissable tourist attraction for those visiting the city. Designed by the architect Nicola Salvi, the Trevi Fountain was completed by the architect Giuseppe Pannini, after Salvi's death, and represents one of the greatest masterpieces of Italian Baroque art.

Its grandeur and the majesty of the central bas-relief, which depicts Neptune riding in a chariot pulled by sea horses and tritons, make it one of the most famous and iconic fountains in the world.

In addition to its artistic beauty, the Trevi Fountain is famous for the traditions linked to it. Throwing a coin into the fountain is in fact a propitiatory rite that guarantees the return to Rome. Many tourists throw a coin into the fountain, but those who want to be lucky enough to fall in love and get married must throw three coins instead.

Tradition also has it that, if you decide to toss a fourth coin, you might be lucky enough to return to Rome and meet the love of your life.

The Trevi Fountain has also been the protagonist of several films, including the famous "La Dolce Vita" by Federico Fellini, and has attracted the attention of many tourists thanks to the scene in which Anita Ekberg bathes in its basins.

The fountain also has an important social value, as the funds collected from the thrown coins are donated to Caritas in Rome to help people in need.